Tuesday 22 May 2012

End of Module - EVALUATION

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Through this module  have worked on my theory and historical skills. I have used and tried to put into context the use of harvod referencing and worked on skills to do with research and referencing. The use of this has given me confidence in my sources and therefore my work. I feel that i have gained a lot of knowledge on this subject but i don't feel i have pushed it to my full extent. i feel i have been a lot overloaded with the work we have got given. 
I feel that i have improved on the skills i have developed through the DIET plan of who to crit. Learning critical languages and specific questions to ask i feel has been ext rely helpful. Also leaning and gathering information from lectures. I feel that i have applied that information is quite a positive way as i have learned a lot about media specificity, history of type and many more. i have also picked up on lectures that have inspired me and therefore helped my skills to devop. The film theory 1 lecture was positive, i gained interest in things i liked and gained a deeper understanding of content which i then decided to place into personal work. The use of applying skills to my design work is a skill in its self and i feel that i have not pushed my bound`rise enough. I feel that through my skills have learnt, that i have not applied them through my work with enough back up, such as enough content on theory. I also feel that my skills have carried on developing and lectures and seminars have became very useful to me and the way i observe and crit peoples and my own design work.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

During the cop COURSE I have experienced workshops that have made me more aware of the typo f designer i am, as well as the type of design i like be it contemporary or tradiotanlal styles. Being more aware of of things i like and aesthetic qualities i look for in designs has urged me to create modern and simple layout designs that reflect these matters. i have used critical analysis from the DIET CRIT that we used to help enforce my ideas so they look and feel like an informed publication. 

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

Through this work i feel that i have gained insight into research startagie stat i have found very useful. The way that i have focused these i feel is quite a positive and i could branch out further to gain more insight on this.
Through this project i feel that my strenghs have been to develop my work. i have had to change my ideas a lot so i feel i have kept quite up to date with my development. I feel that the workshops have given me more strengths that i can focus on my design.s To begin with although i didn't del very comfortable with writing and found it very hard to get to grips with a formal style of writing, i do feel that i have lean rent a lot and tried to get my writing better. 

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I have a lot f weakness in this project that need higighting. I have felt that i have struggled a lot with my time management skills. The use of me not organising and linking to my ideas has cost me important time i could of spent on my publication. Another weakness is my writing skills and i feel that these are externally. The use of my weaknesses involve stuck things as my printing was not effective and didn't work out the way i wanted the designs to work out.

5.Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

- I will not focus and pay to much attention to detail and lose focus on the designs/ concept as it has cost me alot with this moduel.
-  I will learn to control my writing to be informational and productive

- To use illustrator in my designs
- To work better with layouts for publications
- To research deeper into specific things and to check contents
- Work on spelling
- Keep looking at crits and techniques


Monday 21 May 2012

Final Prints and Problems that Occured

When i was printing i expireiced a lot f problems. Frtsly i wasn't allowed to print an a1 layout for the folder i wanted to hold my designs so i have to print the designs in an different style publication. I have therefore chosen to use a sidebar fix. This will hold the different sections of the publication together. i then printed on an envelope which allowed me to place in all the designs as a packaged publication that could be used as a welcome pack to an advertising class or something along those lines.  

Also when wanting to print, i realised that double sided newsprint was not effective an wouldn't work as the bleed and colour would be effected. The use of printing on matt paper though does make the designs look quite professional and still applies to the 'jpuornalist' theme i wanted as it breaks the publication up and allows you to feel like it is a new section of research or brief vibe. 

Saturday 19 May 2012

Publication - Changes to Designs

From the feedback i got from the crit i have made changes to my designs to make them more understandable and relevant to the content. The use of doing this has aught me a lot about designing and from re-doing the changes i feel that it as made my designs lookalot more as a set and create an all round better design. 

With this above, i have made the underlined italics smaller and taken out the patten so its a lot clear to understand.

I have split the information in these two designs below into columns and taken out the bold type used at the bottom. This is so it can be enhanced and read more easily and makes sense. 

Sompliy taken out all the backgond i had and just left a background.

I have moved the content and image around so that it is a lot easier and clearer to communicate.

I have removed the image as text was not ligabile over the top and applied a more structured layout.

I feel a lot better about these designs now and i feel that they apply and work as a set to enhance each other and the content now seems more reevnt. bY CALMING DOWN the designs by removing excess things it has allowed more room fro layout and structure. 

Friday 18 May 2012

Publication - Crit Feedback

This I the feedback i got from my crit in todays session:

- From this feedback i have quite a lot of things i need to correct and change in order to get the best of my designs. I have selected images and circled the things that i have to do. 

Thursday 17 May 2012

Publication - A5

This design is a simple message that de-cnstructs the main aspects of an advertisement in Print and will therefore go into the print vs tv section of design. it is an A5 design and takes the form of a simple construction. 

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Publication - Pocket Folder Design

For the design of the Pocket folder I wanted it to carry on being a very simple. I wanted to add in the two sides to the advertising, positive and negative so i placed persuasion into the title. I also made the backgournd i had been working on bright.


It will be printed A2 size and will fold so that when it opens it will have two pockets at the bottom for all the designs to be folded into. i think that it should look quite professional and if made to the correct scale it could work well.

I just added the quote in the background for now to see what it would look like but i will have to design another layout. 

I very quickly added a piece of type to the inside of the pocket folder also to create a background if all the designs have been removed from the folder. I really don't like the design but i have a little time to change it. I feel that it is to harsh and bold and doent fit with the layout of the folder. 

Sunday 13 May 2012

PPP - Speaking From Experience - Basic Research

Welcome Packs: 
www.ffffound.com // www.blackberry.com // www.designspiration.com // www.google.com

These are very well designed but i don't think they will relate to the enthusiasm of student life. Even though they relate to graphic design i would prefer them to be more enthusiastic.