Thursday 9 February 2012

A Typical Student - Task

In this see ion we had to work in groups to crate a stereotypical view of what a student is. We then had ti  split this into the top 10 results on what we though students were:

1. bad money management
2. lazy
3. drunks
4. sociable
5. tired
6. hungover
7. unhealthy
8. irresponsible
9. promiscuous
10. tax dodgers

From this we were then asked weather we believed that these views applied to ourselves and individuals and also as a group. On average 4 out of 7 in our class believed that these did apply to them. But the other chose to believe that they were not one of the above.

In groups again we were then given a task:
We were given the question: On a scale of 1 to 5 ho much do you care about your appearance?
The rest of the group used other questions such as 'How much time do you spend at uni' etc. The class then had to awnser each others questions. From our results most of the class said that they take pride n their apperenace so therefore that was representative of graphic design students. we came to the conclusion that designers were learning who they where so therefore took pride in their appence. 
As a whole, this would suggest that art students aren't stereotypically messy or scruffy people.
We felt that people may have held back from going all out and putting 5 because people don't want to be seen as someone who cares about their appearance in an extreme manner. Some may see this in relation to vanity or even arrogance.
From the Questions these where the new set of awnsers that we created:

1. care about their appearance
2. participate in active past times
3. straight
4. self-centered
5. creative
6. conventional dating
7. mixed gender
8. range of experiences
9. care what people think
10. open and honest

From this we realised there was slight overlap but the student stereotypes had changed to more positive or negative is put you?

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