Wednesday 6 November 2013

Methodologies & Critical Analysis - Richard Miles Lecture


+ Critical Analysis 
Clear evidence of methodology in written element of CoP3

Methods : HOW the information you have found is 
sourced / collected / collated / presented 

Research & level 6 critically

Methodology - clearly thinking where to get research from, methods of gathering, sleeting evidence, and selecting those appropriate for your study. 

+ a systemic way of sifting through information to get to the point
Quanntative : Approaching the subject from this to get answers.

Methodology is distant from theory. Theory can help you decided a method/s or the material you find may suggest approaporate theories. 
What theory relates + nessacery - which will I prefer or reject or fuse?

Communication Theory - communication with designer and client etc. (RELATABLE)
Social History / Marxist 


Action Research - Experiment and creation of work - act of making is a process of investigation 
Critical Evaluate - How would you document, reflect, change in a constant cycle. 
though studio notebooks or blogs. Process of practice based research needs some sort of theoretical lens. 

Write an attempt of a Methodology that incorporates a theoretical and justification for theoretical approach. 

1. Make decisions about how to collect and organise and order information

2. Chose relevant theortical stand point

3. Apply these to your study

4. Explicitly outline this in the INTRODUCTION. Address suggested failings in the CONCLUSION. 



Critical : meaning to 'separate' or 'to choose'
A processes of Skepticism : Almost disprove hypothesis 

and Reasoned Thinking  - 'Stepping away' and using evidence and logic to come to your conclusions. 

Opinion needs to be arrived at through an informed body of research and a critical take on that research derived from evidence and logic. 

An awareness of perspectives. 
where was the author / artist/ designer / photographer situated ? - Realise 'flaws' 

'Context is everything'

Consider the influence of one or more of the following;
-scientific thought

Why was the designer making something - how does it relate to one of the above. 



What IS the evidence for what you are saying. Back everything up - needs to be supported.
MARKING A RESEARCH PROJECT - where your opinions is backed up by rigerious methodologies.
Could you find more evidence to support your conclusions  


which becomes a

Logical Argument 


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