Tuesday 26 February 2013

Publication Research: Hand Designs

I feel that the publication should be very simple for users of the age i am aiming at. The use of colour and language will also have to be basic to create a simple message. 

These layouts i feel are quite interesting but maybe too detailed and too focused around layout rather then the simple message i would like to try and portray.

I like the use of simple logo and symbols on this publication. The simple symbols are easy to work out and using something like this would benifit my collection.
Using two colours is also effetive. It makes the design seem bold and focused. 

This hand design is also effective. The use of citizenship uses hand gestures to represent the lifestyle and the 'promises'. The designs within the hand also  simple and clean. The main feature is the eye symbol. I feel that the deisgn is still however to detailed for the audience and it would be quite hard to portray a clear message. 

Images that incorprate the hand aldo apply to a 'team' or 'membership' theme. The use of using the hand or a 'human' outline could relate to all genders / ages / people that could be part of being a good citizen. 
The use of two colours also creates a bold impression. The brighter outline of orange brings more attention to the text and is easy to figure out. 

This is very clear message that does relate to my idea and designs. The design may be to obvious for the product i will be hoping to supply. The design i feel is also to computerised and doesnt relate to the audience in a 'relaable' format. The use of the grey makes the design seem more mechnical then human and the camera lense also portarys this message. 

A more illustrative design could work to help attract users. The simple outline of teh hand on a larger scale is effective on the page and acts as a main focus point. The circle centred within the hand shape could work quite well with the theme of panopticism and the whole idea of 'watching'.

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