Saturday 22 December 2012

Its Nice That - Research On Posters - Using Shape

The first thought that comes to mind when aiming at students is the obvious 'poster' idea. Creative posters can develop a sense of enthusiasm, and nice layout inspires young creatives.

i used various stites such as


To gather poster examples that i feel would suit this brief and look visually pleasing:

I chose to focus the poster designs as part of a shape. Using and creating 2d and 3d shapes is useful when trying to degin for creatty. It works with 'interlocking' shapes and creating a visually pleasing designs.

Having bold colours immenditalty grabs the audiences attention. The use of cut out shapes and bold colours could make it easy for 'aplication' sections. Cut out done by hand and then hung or used in creative way is a nice way to imply talent and creativeitvity. You could aslo cut out ideas like you cut DNA etc.

Making shapes would be a good precess to use. These designs are very simple but lok complex and intresting. Chosing the right format and layout would be useful to enhance the concept. Having shapes made of shapes portayes developent and evolustion - like DNA creativity. 

The Its Nice That annual consists of hand renedered type. It focuses on 'wokring ot' the type but allows for a very intresting visual format to occur. The use of illustartive type makes teh design look fun and intresting.

Colours / gradients :
Using layers colours and gradients is an effective and intresting visual format. The ise of using subtle tones allows for shades and dysnaic structures.
This could look effective as a main poster. or series of posters taking inspriation from layering.

I feel that all these deisgn would be efective in creatng a lively action packed poster design for the brief.

Shapes on Products:

i decided to look at shapes on products. This is because i WANTED TO SEE HWO THEY RELATE TO DIFFERNET SHAPES OF PRODUCTS. Labels and scales all variey and cartain shapes may take on a completey differnet form :

The shapr and format of these deisgns really works to convey the shape and context of the product. the label is slim and eleganct but the shapes do not take away from teh design of the glass bottle. Where as with the book, the shapes develop the the format of the boook as they change the perspective from different angles.

The apple logo is made from shapes. frOM RESEARCH THIS LOGO i can see how different shapes can work with design to make one image. 

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