Thursday 29 November 2012

Study Task 2 :

Using the text Coward, R. 'The Look' as a starting point, write a 400word critical analysis of one image from the media (TV advert, magazine advert, newspaper story, website, magazine cover etc.) that reflects the issues raised within the text itself, and also the lecture 'The Gaze in the Media' (18/10/12) and the accompanying seminar. Use at least 5 quotes from the Coward text to support your analysis.

-The spectators gaze
-The ultra-diegetic gaze
-The direct address (extra-diegetic) to the viewer
-The look of the camera
-The gaze of the bystander
-The gaze of an audience with a text

Calvin Klein underwear model- EVA MENDEZ

-Not looking at the camera
-Really long legs, wearing suspenders.
-Lips; parted, sexy?
-Hair; wet, sweaty, (sex)?
-On tip toes aswell as wearing heels.
-Stance; legs open, ready? (sex) powerful stance, shows she's in control, sexual.
-Eyes closed, gritting her teeth, orgasm face?
-Feminist views...
is she in pain?
looking away- dissapointed (not good in bed etc)
looks confident in herself, doesn't care about what others think.

I feel that the male gaze is focused and assosociated with this image. First of all, I have chosen to focus on the face of teh model, Eva Mendez. Her face is slanted and her eyes are cloed, with slight teeth showing through. Choosing to keep her eyes shit, is a point to avoid eye contact with the audience, user, and if her eyes were open it could look like she was smiling, and would of portaryed a sense of innocence. But isnsetad, the image portarys a controlling and possessive, sexy vibe. The smile is slighlty 'cheeky' and sesuaal which adds to elements of mystery and attention to the poster, therefore to teh product. 

Eva Mendez' looks particulary stirking in the image. She is taking on quite a fierece stands, which is prodominatky more masculine then femine. This is representative of domincane. Her armas are pointing downwards which alsmost orders the audience to focus there attention to when she is pointing. There is no ring on her finger, which suggests that she is available and this could lead the audience to think they could be 'sexual' active with the model. 

The actual underwear she is modelling is Calvin Klien. Prodementaly sexy underwear. The suspenders are though to be extrmely attractive to men and the use of wearing heels makes the model seems taller and smaller waist to exhanetate longer legs and slimmer figure.The vra is quite mascuiline features. Plain black, and 'sports like', the knickers however are stereotypical feminie and use lace. The use of Eva Mendez looking 'oiled' up is effective also. It implys the look of being 'wet' which could implu sexual experiences or showering as it is effectily appealing and attractive to the opesite sex.

In conclusion I feel this advert is aimed at both women and men however, I do feel their are different purposes aimed at each gender. For example, to women, I feel this picture is aimed to aspire to;as most women are looking at other women to compare themselves to (relating back to Laura Mulvey's male gave theory) I think by looking at this advert women can understand how men could find it appealing and aspire to look like this, they also get the impression wearing this brand gives  them a more sexy and powerful look. However it could also be slightly intimidating and make women feel bad about them selves as the majority of women do not give this overall impression when wearing this type of underwear. 

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