Monday 22 October 2012

Richard Miles - Seminar 2 - The Gaze

Seminar on Lecture  >  ' The Gaze '

Insetad of looking at a subject you will look at objectify someone/object (stereotype), but other do the same to us, reseprosity (giving and taking) within matter. 
'The Gaze' relationship is based around power.

She is not looking at us, the reflection is of herself, we are allowed to look without ever being looked at. Sp we are therefore in control in this situation. e can gaze on but never gaze upon. she gaze's upon her self, so that therefore makes it ok for us to look. 


The images painted by men and consumed by men because society was patriarchal (men controlled / jobs of status) woman didn't have status in society. This period, where nude starts to become accepted as form of art. It a picture of naked women because > duel function > pornagraphic function (unchallenged) errotic / sexual images, but also about control and domination, power > male power over women. Females submissiveness to power of dominant male. Image here as a fantasy of the controllable servile submissive passive obedient female. Ultimate male fantasy of both power and virility of masculine control over the female. 

> Woman who is there to be looked at (nude), but a woman knows that she is an object to look at. A man has painted this for another man, for woman to be looked at, called 'Vanity' implies woman is vain > condescending attitude on woman, slightly making fun of. She is looking on herself > vain, asking for it. Artificially projected a passive felinity, which men laugh at, even though they created the image. 
Idealised fantasy sexuality, which residers in male domination of female, whilst degrading woman. 

Power > Domination > Patriarchal Idea of Feminity > Where female is passive or submissive > And the male is active and dominant. 
MEN CREATED VISUAL CULTURE > if this is first time we start to see representations of gender, then they are automatically biased, 

* Women objectified, on display is that culture has determined it that way, because woman where not dominant class in the west, in the past. 

The above is looking away, the below is meeting the gaze > PASSIVE AND SUBMISSION.
The Birth of Venus - Goddess of love, 
Olympia - Prostitute, being given flowers, gifts

Gaze Relations : Venus is a fantasy image, made by and for real people with real attitudes, it validates the depiction - abstract notion o fart removing it further away from notion of society, men and women in industriazatio . modern world nor any notion or realities of sex, venus image is sexual > on her back, covering head > 

Olympia transforms a dignified goddess into the simple nakedness of humanity. You don't won her, she is per on, equal, reality. Scandal because it de-pics an everyday event, and symbolises that women are sexual for men. 'Sleazy' in compression to Goddess.  

Meet the gaze as a challenge or as an invite. 

Find the feminimities in all aspects of culture  >  Across movie stars, magazine, film, celebrities in media etc.

Vue Magazine > Written by Men , stripes include : 'My hobby is Men' > cultural attitude that gets replayed in certain ways. modern day > katie price > was a sexual object but then its gone to far > look at this woman > wants to be fancied > but she is not because she is grotestq > traps and punishes women. 
Sun Newspaper Pg 3. statement from the pg. 3 model : the woman is naked, and comments on topical news issue of day and pulls a quite from g=famous people such as niche, Einstein, humorous, men writing it, to laugh at her for being this image that they have created, based uptown sexual power. 

Assertive / Message: Who cares, leading Femininity i can't cook, i don't really care, cos i have my body and figure and breast and successful life. Who is it aimed at? both genders, men to buy for women so that they can mould woman into perfect and ideal sense. Aimed at women who can identify with being assertive etc. 

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