Thursday 26 December 2013

Documenting the Route : Primary Research

Photography was crutial to the design as it proven that the route was real and also visualised the aspects of design in location. I decided to take photographs in colour and b/w to see if the designs and techniques used were still as effective. I can use these with elements of the map to create a documentation research booklet which can help visualise the stages of my walk. 

There were many more photographs but i feel that these work best to help portray elements of advertising, quantity and location of all the images. These photographs will help me to gain an insight into the target audience of the consumer area, which is of heavy influence of student populations.  

Making the Booklet:

A research booklet highlighting these image within the map i believe is key to my work. It will highlight the consumer route clearly and truthfully and the images will link to aspects of the map i have created. 

I decided to add the relevant section of the map onto the image. I have placed it so it looks like the map is 'coming out' of sections of the photography. This was to symbolise the relevance of the image and selected section of the map. 

Using relevant aspects from the map i have created to co-enside with the photography used:

The documentation of the design method that allowed me to work with the images and map in stages. I feel that this book is useful in terms of my overall practical work as it adds to my documentation and visualises my primary research.  

Thursday 19 December 2013

Final Idea for Practical

The final idea for my practical came about after extensively looking at ways to visualise what i had learned. I decided that looking at consumerism as a whole could condense me ideas. 

The design boards ideas:

Document consumerism within a defined area - use a map layout to visualise t=this 
Document the results in a graph format

Highlight the brands in a poster - to link to public area being used for visual pollution. How big brands have become etc.
Highlight the consumer cycle that works.

The design boards also work to portray how i could develop the map : The type of design to use….

Working out how the visualise the map route: This was very important stage of the design processes as it allowed me to develop how i could visualise the route in a clear and effective format.

The designs varied from 'line maps' to colour coded maps to using shapes to symbolise the consumer route.

Through creating these design boards, i feel that my idea was able to be expressed clearly. The designs allowed me to ofucs the design elements as infogrpahics and visuals are important to my final outcomes. The idea of generating maps posters and graphs allows me to express the results in different formants and really push these elements of design.

Sunday 15 December 2013

The Route - Consumer and Psychogeography Primary Research

Documenting the Route:

I picked the A660 main route from Hyde Park to Leeds City Centre. This was an obvious route and throughout it were many opportunities to see how the pubic space had been affected, and wether it suited the population as a target market?

I decided to document the route very simplistically tacking the approach of the Situationsisg demountureve style and technique of cutting and 'feeling' the city. I also took photographs to develop and back up the route selection and documentation.

The route took 1hr 29 mins to walk with obvious stopping times for documentation and photography Overall i walked this route over 3 times in order to get a relabel and effective result. 

The documentation shows rough mappings and layouts of the consumerism that is visual within the area. Advertisiments, shops, billboards, poster platforms, signage, business etc all took featured in the documentation of consumerism.

I chose to use the same route for the documentation of psychogeogrpahy. This ended up with me looking at groups of people, the weather, nature, buildings, graffiti, realism, conversations and other things i came into contact with. 

Although the routes are the same i had a completely different experience with consumerism and psychogeography. I enjoyed documenting aspects of both, and was shocked at the results of the consumer aspects, but i feel psychgeorgraphy allowed me to feel more in tune with the route and the city. This results was good in allowing me to help prove Debord's theory in some respects.