Wednesday 15 May 2013

End of Module Evaluation - OUGD501

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Through this module  have worked on my theory and historical skills. I have used and tried to put into context the use of harvod referencing and worked on skills to do with research and referencing.  This has given me confidence when using sources through the practical elements of this module. Learning critical language and developing a historical reference within Panopticism had allowed me to gain insight into an influential time. 

Also leaning and gathering information from lectures. I feel that i have applied that information is quite a positive way as i have learned a lot about media specificity, history of type and many more. 
have also picked up on lectures that have inspired me and therefore helped my skills to develop. The psychoanayalisis lecture, and panopticism lectures really helped me to tap into an aspect and aesthetic formats of design to achieve results.
The use of applying these skills to my design work is a skill in its self, and I feel that i have not pushed my bound`rise enough. I feel that my understanding of the concept isn't as clearly displayed through my publication as i would of hoped. I feel that through my skills have learnt, that i have not applied them through my work with enough back up, such as enough content on theory. I also feel that my skills have carried on developing and lectures and seminars have became very useful to me and the way i observe and crit peoples and my own design work. Getting people to crit my work has been a key element to this module, however i feel that the end product is not a reflect of my understanding or time management skills.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
During the COP module we experienced workshops that allowed us to become more aware of referencing systems, typo's and spelling, and interests in specific design styles, such as contemporary and traditional. Being more aware of these aesthetic qualities makes evaluating work easier. I feel that qualities i look for in designs has urged me to create modern and simple layout designs that reflect these matters. I have used critical analysis from the DIET CRIT that we used to help enforce my ideas so they look and feel like an informed publication. I have used the digital print within my design approach. I have also created illustration into my designs. I have never used this before as part of a major hand in, and i do feel that they have worked quite well as a design method. They have informed my designs and publication by giving the pages a personal and unique approach. The hand rendered aspects of design can relate to the user in specific ways. 

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

Through this module i feel that i have gained an insight into historical evidence and design style. The insight i have achieved with these is positive but I feel that i could have used it fither to develop my final designs. 

         Through my development, i noticed that my ideas changed slightly throughout. I feel that the workshops didn't help me to narrow down my ideas in the slightest but they were useful for me to develop my ideas with key aspects. They built upon my strengths to my designs, such as the abstract posters/images i created. I thought that they were visually engaging and promoted discussion because of the non-obvious formatting and imergery. 
To begin with although i didn't feel very comfortable with writing and found it very hard to get to grips with a formal style of writing, i do feel that i have learn rent a lot and tried to improve my writing.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I have a lot of weakness in this project that need higighting.
I have felt that i have struggled a lot with my time management skills. The use of me not organising and linking to my ideas has cost me important time i could of spent on my publication. 
Another weakness is my writing skills and i feel that these are externally. The use of my weaknesses involve stuck things as my printing was not effective and didn't work out the way i wanted the designs to work out.

I feel that my writing skills are still suffering. The format and structure of my essays when from poor to reasonable, but i feel that i could have, once again, pushed my formatting. 
My essay writing needs to be more focused and my design presentation of publication i feel also needs improving. I am nervous because i feel that my concept theory isn't presented well. This is because the topic was quite challenging but other then the format i feel that the publication looks effective for the audience i have defined.  

5.Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

- I will not focus and pay to much attention to detail and loose focus on the designs/ concept as it has cost me alot with this module.
- I will learn to control my writing to be informational and productive
- To research deeper into specific things and to check contents.
- Work in specific time schedules
- Blog constanley
- Use effusive essay structuring
- Keep focused on crit techniques
- Write down lecture notes in more detail for easier understanding.

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