Thursday 28 February 2013

Design Publication Research - Colour & Shape

Simple B&W theme. The use of this creates a clear and formal aspect of design and idea consideration. i BELIEVE THAT THIS FORMAT WOULD BE TO FORMAL AND 'STRICT' WHEN I NEED THE DESIGN TO SEEM CREATIVE BRIGHT AND INTRESTING FOR A YOUNG AUDIENCE. 

Red is a harsh colour that contributes to danger feelings. This could be useful as i am creating an alamost warning / advice pack for my aduince. Red could be consided as warning and / or alert, although i feel to uch read, such as above, is to strong and bold and would create the wrong 'feel' for my publication.

Although illustrartion is useful to my deisgn and creates a playful / learing aspect, i feel that too much would distact from the topic. If i was to create illustartion i would like them to appear in a more abstarct formation. 

The colours on these design 'merge' with each other slightly and i feel that the design has been lost because of this. The arrangment of the design is well suited to the concept but i feel it would look to image heavy for my publication.

More geometric shapes such as teh design above i feel would be more suited to my concept. The simple block shapes could represnet symbolise for the panoptison. The simple colours to co-enside are also relevant. Theu suit the background colour and create an eye-popping creation.

Layering techniques, such as useing specific filters and blends are also useful. The colours work well togther but i feel they could of been more considered. The arrangment of the design works well being placed in the centre but i feel that they scale doesnt work with the image.

When creating my designs i want to devlop a style that i have not indulged in yet and would like to use a whole spread for a abstarct / shape based style. 

I feel this could be more benificial as it would make the design clearer and gove me a chnace to expplore format and scale. The choice of colur has to be relevant however to get the point across. 

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