Friday 16 November 2012

John - 5 Studios

Task 1 

Identitfy 5 companies/studios which you consider potentially synergetic to your personally. Whrite a short paragraphs explaining why.

Studio 8 Design

Studio 8 is an extremely creative. They consider the ideas as well as the design and always allow for creative aspects. The designs they produce are to a very high standard and the client base is high.





Task 2 :

Identify the top choice and WHY you feel that they may have synergy with your practice now, or in the near future.

Studio 8 design. 

I have chosen this agency because i feel that it incorporates all that i love about design. It is a small company who enjoys the fun and creative side of design whilst minting and industry level. The design of the studio is created to keep you creative and the work that is developing from this agency is effective and it is the work that i am most interested in. 

Task 3:

Is your choice based on location? Direction of practice? The brand Philosophy? The Client Base.

With this Studio my main target is th work that is being produced. This effects the 

Task 5:

When considering these practices: 

WHY you are contacting them and why they should listen?
WHAT do you want them to do next and what do you actually want.
WHY they should get back to you?

You will be contacting them to highlight your interest in their work.
You want them to acknowledge your letter etc and give you a studio visit or internship
They should get back to you if your point of contact is creative, effective and clear. And if they like you and the way you work. 

Task 6 :

Now you have identified initially these studios you feel synergy with. Please list 8 methods you could utilize to contact them?

- Letter
- Telephone
- Email
- Persistance
- Creative Mail
- Video Message

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