Thursday 22 September 2011

Existing Apps Research

1. Classes - Timetable
Classes is a smart timetable for school and university. Immediately after starting the app, the next class is displayed with all relevant information. On rotating the device, you are presented with the complete timetable in landscape mode. Classes shows all the information you need when you need it.

2. SchoolBook
SchoolBook puts your plain old high school timetable onto your iPhone and iPod touch. It tells you what classes you have and thats it; its the ultimate no-frills approach to a digital timetable.

Lesson planning for home schoolers.  
4. Calendar+
Scroll seamlessly through your events on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. Calendar+ gives you a fantastic overview of your events and a quick nudge up or down will move you instantly and seamlessly - no more waiting for the next week or month to 'load'.

SaiSuke has various view models allowing you to see your calendars in a daily, weekly, or yearly views. You can get a perspective schedule for the month using the month view, which allows you to see appointment titles in a monthly styled calendar. - All images taken from this site.

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